Apostolos Karantanas
University of Crete
Apostolos Karantanas was born in Larissa, Greece. He graduated the Medical School, University of Ioannina, Greece at 1983. Dr. Karantanas completed the Radiology training in University Ηospital of Ioannina. He undertook musculoskeletal training on metabolic bone disorders in New York University Medical Center and on MR imaging MSK applications in Manchester Medical School/Manchester Royal Infirmary. He has been given 370 invited lectures in 27 countries and is a regular faculty member in ECR, ISS, Erasmus courses MSK MRI, School of MRI/ESMRMB, ESOR and ESSR. He is the author of 171 Medline/188 Scopus publications (h index 24, citations 2100; Google Scholar citations: 3.450, h index:33, i10 index:82), 6 books, 57 chapters in books and 345 announcements in international conferences. Prof. Karantanas is a reviewer in 21 Medline journals, Editorial Board in two and has been a Guest Editor in 3 issues of medline journals. He has been Visiting Professor at the Universities of Leeds and Amsterdam. Prof. Karantanas is currently Professor of Radiology - University of Crete, Chairman of the Department of Medical Imaging and Director of the Laboratory Section - Heraklion University Hospital, Member of the ESOR Programme Planning Committee, Member of the Educational Committee of the European Society of Radiology, Member of the Sports Injuries Subcommittee/ESSR, Affiliated Scientist to the FORTH-institute, General Secretary of the Hellenic College of Radiology, Honorary President of the Radiological Society of Crete, and President of the Hellenic Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology.
Research Interest
His main research is focused on imaging of musculoskeletal disorders including bone marrow, osteoporosis, sports injuries, osteoarthritis, hip joint and applications of newer MR sequences and advanced models of data analysis in perfusion and diffusion imaging. He is past President of European Society of Musculoskeletal Radiology and past member of the Educational Committee of the European Association of Radiology.