Hyoung K Lee
Missouri University of Science and Technology, USA
Dr. Hyoung Lee has his expertise in radiation detection and imaging. He has worked in teaching hospitals as a medical physicist and has also been a faculty member in academia since receiving his PhD. His research area includes radiation detector design and characterization, advanced radiation sources, advanced imaging systems using x-ray, gamma ray or neutron, algorithms for CT reconstruction, image processing, image analysis, and application of deep learning for medical imaging. He has successfully conducted many research projects that covered a wide spectrum of radiation detection and imaging technologies, from development of radiation detectors to development of image enhancement algorithms (some of which were transferred to industry). He also helped a medical imaging company develop flat-panel x-ray image sensors, digital radiography systems, digital dental imaging systems and cone-beam CT systems. His current research includes development of flat-panel x-ray sources, compact x-ray tubes for stationary cardiac CT and switchable radioisotopes.
Abstract : Compact X-ray tubes for stationary CT architecture